Adding valuable content to movie marketing: Warner Bros. Films

  • Warner Bros. Films

Since 1995, we have con­sult­ed on or cre­at­ed spe­cial con­tent for Warn­er Bros sites includ­ing Mars Attacks, Bat­man For­ev­er (1995, now offline), and Bat­man & Robin (1998, now offline).

One typ­i­cal project is Char­lotte Gray, a film (with com­ple­men­tary web­site) that explores ordi­nary peo­ples emo­tion­al and moral choic­es dur­ing wartime. The sites restrict­ed col­or scheme and tight lay­out echo the bleak­ness and con­fine­ment of the title char­ac­ter, played by Cate Blanchett. Its con­tent includes stream­ing video and music and an in-depth trib­ute to lit­tle-known, real-life hero­ines and heroes of World War II.

Vis­it the Char­lotte Gray site via the Way­back Machine.

Note that some ele­ments of the site’s con­struc­tion, includ­ing Flash videos and ani­ma­tions, may not load (main­ly because the Way­back Machine did not archive those elements).

Our responsibilities on this project

Design (includ­ing Flash); code; and content.