A perfect ride: Redesigning Brilliant Bicycles

  • Brilliant Bicycles
  • Brilliant Bicycles
  • Brilliant Bicycles

Bril­liant Bicy­clesbuilds bikes sus­tain­ably, deliv­er­ing the vehi­cles direct­ly to their cus­tomers. This enables the com­pa­ny to offer a supe­ri­or prod­uct at a remark­ably afford­able price.

We jumped in on their site redesign project just six months pri­or to launch, work­ing close­ly with Bril­liant man­age­ment to focus on imme­di­ate tac­ti­cal needs and longer-term strate­gic goals.

Our first task was to design a land­ing page that also was a con­test. The con­test served the dual pur­pose of achiev­ing social proof while also build­ing a mail­ing list. While the con­test ran, we designed and launched a site for Bril­liant that was as beau­ti­ful, clean, and min­i­mal as Bril­liants bikes are. The entire site was devel­oped on the Shopi­fy platform.

Over the next few months, we worked with Bril­liant to opti­mize the site as much as pos­si­ble, in terms of both speed and con­ver­sion­squeez­ing out every ounce of per­for­mance (just like the bikes do). Indeed, you could look at our efforts to build the most per­for­mant web­site pos­si­ble as a reflec­tion of the brands core val­ue: per­for­mance. Through a sol­id con­ver­sion opti­miza­tion plan, we were able to con­tin­u­ous­ly boost the per­for­mance of the site, week after week.

We worked hand in hand with the Bril­liant team to devel­op the cre­ative direc­tion of the site, the com­pa­ny, and its prod­uct imagery, and with mar­ket­ing to opti­mize the design of their week­ly newslet­ter. Dur­ing the site design, we worked to inte­grate and test fea­tures (such as upset offers) and set up auto­mat­ed emails using Klaviyo.

Our responsibilities on this project

Strat­e­gy, design, front-end devel­op­ment, and back-end imple­men­ta­tion and development.