Sarah Parmenter, Designer & Social Media Consultant

Cre­at­ing web­sites and web con­tent since 2001, Sarah Jane Par­menter is a design­er, social media con­sul­tant, and tech, beau­ty, and trav­el blog­ger who divides her time between Leigh-on-Sea, UK, and New York, NY. Hav­ing estab­lished her­self as a stage and tele­vi­sion actor while still a teenag­er, Sarah piv­ot­ed to become a design­er at age 19. With­in a few years, she had gained inter­na­tion­al renown and respect cre­at­ing web­sites and iOS appli­ca­tions for clients includ­ing Black­ber­ry, News Inter­na­tion­al, STV, and the Nation­al Breast Can­cer Foun­da­tion of America. 

Sarah Parmenter, Designer & Social Media Consultant

In 2011, at .net Mag­a­zines annu­al awards show, Sarahs peers vot­ed her Design­er of the Year. She fol­lowed up on that suc­cess by branch­ing into social media brand­ing and con­sult­ing for major celebri­ties dur­ing a stint on the Amer­i­can west coast­while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly cofound­ing, devel­op­ing, and sell­ing a pod­cast appli­ca­tion to a major play­er in the space. 

Fol­low­ing the sale of her appli­ca­tion, Sarah returned to design, brand­ing, and con­sult­ing for a short­list of clientswork she pur­sues both inde­pen­dent­ly and through studio.zeldman. In our stu­dio, she spe­cial­izes in brand and inter­ac­tion design, and con­sults on brand and social media strategy.

Of Note

The Great Dis­con­tent Sarah Parmenter
Decem­ber 27, 2012

Cel­e­brat­ing Women in Technology
The British Library, (video), March 6, 2012

The Net Awards 2011 Awards Ceremony
(video), Novem­ber 29, 2011

Ask Dr Web Live with Jef­frey Zeldman
A List Apart, (video + tran­script), Decem­ber 02, 2015

Jef­frey Zeld­man: 20 years of Web Design and Community, (video), August 28, 2014

Design­ing Using Data
An Event Apart, (video), Orlan­do 2014

The Future of Beau­ti­ful iOS Design
Future Insights, Lon­don (video), March 21, 2013

Design­ing Using Data
Future Insights, Lon­don (video), Decem­ber 3, 2014

Team Tree­house Interview
(video), July 10, 2014

User Inter­face Design 
Course on Tree­house

The Big Web Show with Dan Ben­jamin & Jef­frey Zeldman
April 7, 2011

Women in Web Design
Smash­ing Mag­a­zine, Group Inter­view, May 11, 2010

Boag­world 200th Episode Special
Feb­ru­ary 19, 2010

40 of the most notable and promi­nent female designers

50 Best Female Web Design­ers around the world, June 12, 2009

25 Female Web Designers
By Lee Munroe, Octo­ber 2008

Co-host of Boag­world Pod­cast 176
July 29, 2009

Co-host of Boag­world Pod­cast 159
April 01, 2009

.net mag­a­zine, dou­ble page fea­ture spread
.net Mag­a­zine, Decem­ber 2005

10 top design­ers take the Steven Stephen­son challenge
Smash­ing Mag­a­zine, April 01, 2009

.net Mag­a­zine con­trib­u­tor to var­i­ous features
.net Mag­a­zine, Sep­tem­ber 2005

Web Design talk to Stu­dents on 19th March 08 about web design career prospects.