Ryan Michael Kelly

  • Ryan Michael Kelly
  • Ryan Michael Kelly
  • Ryan Michael Kelly
  • Ryan Michael Kelly
  • Ryan Michael Kelly

A top-tier fash­ion pho­tog­ra­ph­er, Ryan Michael Kellys work cap­ti­vates elite brands known to nev­er set­tle. Clients like Vogue, Elle, and Nike seek him out, embrac­ing the rush of visu­al impact his art conveys. 

Ryans exten­sive port­fo­lio need only be front-and-cen­ter, invis­i­bly trans­lat­ed into a struc­ture seam­less­ly fast and free of need­less dis­trac­tions. Obtru­sive nav­i­ga­tion and orna­ments could serve no part; the cat­a­log is qual­i­ty deserv­ing simplicity. 

Weve col­lab­o­rat­ed with Ryan on three redesigns dur­ing the past eight yearsmost recent­ly a new iter­a­tion future-focused as nev­er before. The under­ly­ing frame­work would reflex­ive­ly suit evolv­ing goals and needs at any giv­en point, accom­mo­dat­ing his work long term with few require­ments, yet allow sheer quan­ti­ty to flour­ish. It would embody tech­no­log­i­cal fore­sight years at the ready.

We removed every­thing unnec­es­sary for view­ing images. Vis­i­tors expe­ri­ence full bleed visu­als and incred­i­bly fast page loads thanks to the use of spe­cial pre­load­ing mech­a­nism­sphe­nom­e­nal con­sid­er­ing the home­page loads more than 150 hi-res images. Even bet­ter, the site was built with fiber optic con­nec­tions in mind, enabling changeover to ultra-hi-res imagery with the flip of a switch.

Man­age­ment of the site is com­plete­ly han­dled in WordPress. 

Our responsibilities on this project

Devel­op­ment of a cus­tom image-arrange­ment algo­rithm, ensur­ing that any­one on Ryans staff could upload pho­tog­ra­phy and know it would always dis­play perfectly.