Dan Mall, Creative Director

Inno­va­tion begins with col­lab­o­ra­tion. And nobody is bet­ter at find­ing new ways to work togeth­er than Dan Mallde­sign­er, devel­op­er, and cre­ative force of nature. 

Dan Mall, Designer

Dans resume reads like a his­to­ry of some of web design’s great­est hits. Hes the CEO and co-founder of Super­Booked, and the author of Pric­ing Design. At var­i­ous times, he has been co-founder of Type­dia, The Busi­nes­sol­o­gy Show, No Chains, and swfIR; design direc­tor at Big Space­ship; inter­ac­tive direc­tor at Hap­py Cog; tech­ni­cal edi­tor for A List Apart; and singer and key­board play­er for con­tem­po­rary-Chris­t­ian band Four24. Between projects, Dan writes about design and oth­er issues on Twit­ter and his per­son­al site.

For studio.zeldman, Dan spins his web of inno­v­a­tive col­lab­o­ra­tion on select­ed major projects through his design con­sul­tan­cy and part­ner stu­dio, Super­Friend­ly.

Of Note

Sep­tem­ber 19, 2016

August 26, 2016

Research­ing Design Systems
August 6, 2016

June 6, 2016

Sell­ing Design Systems
April 25, 2016

Con­tent & Dis­play Patterns
Decem­ber 31, 2015

How to Make a Per­for­mance Budget
Decem­ber 04, 2014

Art Direc­tion and Design
A List Apart, Novem­ber 02, 2010

Flash and Stan­dards: The Cold War of the Web
A List Apart, March 09, 2010

Seman­tic Flash: Slip­pery When Wet
A List Apart, Feb­ru­ary 26, 2007